About Our Cryo Machine

Unleash the Ultimate Cold Rush: Dive into the Everest Experience!

Ever wondered about the magic of Cryotherapy?

Derived from ancient Greek words that translate to 'cold healing', cryotherapy is not just a wellness trend, but a revolutionary method to supercharge your body. Imagine tapping into a natural elixir that helps you rejuvenate, recover, and recharge, all within a few chilly minutes. Now, what if we told you there's a superior way to experience this chilly magic?

Meet the Everest Electric Whole Body Cryotherapy System by Cryobuilt:

Named after the highest peak on Earth, Everest isn't just a piece of tech; it's the future of full-body rejuvenation. Using state-of-the-art electric tech, Everest envelops you in a perfectly chilled embrace, ensuring every session is an exhilarating journey to peak wellness

Meet the Everest Electric Whole Body Cryotherapy System by Cryobuilt:

  • Precision Beyond Compare: Feel the even, optimal chill every time. Say goodbye to cold spots and hello to perfect sessions.

  • Safety First, Always: No more worries about burns or frostbite. With Everest, you're in the safest cold hands.

Office: 1421 Standiford Ave, Suite B, Modesto, CA 95350

Call 209-305-9339

Email: info


Site: ActiveRecoveryModesto.com

We Are Located Inside Michael Taylor Chiropractic

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